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here is the page for the neru painting because there are some things to say about it

ok so i actually painted it over an older painting of peppa pig with human features, as i did not need the painting on a canvas since i painted a new one directly onto my wall. i originally tried to clean the old acrylic paint off with water and sopa, then with some stanky ancient white spirit, but neither worked,, peppa was too strong. so i eventually opted foer stealing the paint my mother uses gor her arts and crats as to not waste my own, and i just covered peppa up with a couple layers, like 2 maybe. (this has unexquexct4ed conceqsnese)

here she is after the white spirit damage and the getting paint splashed on

and here she is getting more and more painted

now here is the original sketch for the painting, as well as me drawing it on the canvas. the pose was insprised by just the pose neru has in some of he roriginal art

now since i only done a couple layers of white paint (as i ran out)((or rather my mother did ig)) one could still kind of see peppa thorugh the painting, as such, when you hold the neru painting up to light, you can still fucking see peepa and its awful

its really scary and i hate it. you can see her if you look from the back too as the white psirity made her sink into the material of the canvas or smthing also,

but yea this is the story o tht neru paitning yippeeeee

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just take me home actually

no buttons here becuase i cannot be bothered everytume i update the list