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2023 art

26/12/23 hakase from ricedeity's nsotf comic
24/12/23 lola design is my own
16/12/23 flower as some kind of bug or insect
10/12/23 laito, leon design is my own
18/11/23 my own design
for olivercollab
05/11/23 mirai and sonika for galasynth 2023
25/11/23 for sf a2 miki collab 2023
30/11/23 flower in lens brave butterfly module (wikia tw)
02/11/23 mutuals persona
01/11/23 luomiku dressed as ib and mary
26/10/23 meiluka my friend forced me to draw
22/10/23 redraw of merli i drew for a discord server
heres the original, 31/03/23
sonikas unused v4 forvocalobeta zine
30/09/23 oc bell
defoko with wings
07/09/23 long miku
location based on this render taht i cannot find the creator of
29/08/23 luomiku for mikus birthday
27/07/23 for gakucollab 2023
01/08/23 luomiku
05/07/23 piko on beach
25/06/23 couple of fakes, stella and kikiyo sai
ring suzune for a collab
my asterian design for a contest
hatsune miku sitting on a wooden block in a dark toybox, they are illuminated by a flip phone, and are surrounded by a variety of toys
31/05/23 miku expo art taht got in the gallery
the utau nurse robot type t drawn in a hospital with wings and more robotic elements than originally
08/05/23 nurse robot type t with wings
21/05/23 flower with wings
02/05/23 piko and fukase
05/04/23 teto sv that made me cry 3 times as i drew it
22/04/23 robo number bronze with wings
24/03/23 luomiku
18/03/23 lily
25/02/23 2014 racing miku
13/02/23 v3flower with short hair
12/02/23 kafu and flower
03/02/23 2022 racing miku
22/01/23 flower with flower headphones
21/01/23 mcmiku used to power the ice cream machine
11/01/23 aisuu with wings
03/01/23 matsudappoiyo who looks as though hes missing half his face
2024 back to main art page 2022