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here i think ill maybe write a little if something interesting happens thoguhout the day, or maybe uninteresting too,, idk !! dont expect this page to be update frequesntly however, i dont do much and dont really want to write about things local to me ? to like not dox myself ahskdjkasjdslak i might just write about my day in general ? i do not know but i guess we shall see
i have like, a physical notebook i try to write about my day in, so i really dont want this to replace that ? i tink it might be a little tough for me to figure out waht should go ther and what should go here, but hoeiopefull i will figure it out with time
11/03/25 0005- just deleted all of my pinterest posts because apparently they pulled a twt/ ig and are training ai on their posts,,, im sure my posts are up on sites where they train ai and i am unaware, so maybe this doesnt make a huge change, but i wanted to do it anyway,, i never liekd posting on pinterest anyway. i am free now.
10/03/25 2116- auhh i discovered taht mayo and i myself both have vocadb pages,, last time i had one it was in reference to my old romi ghost rule cover, and i asked to have htose both removged, however i dont think these ones can be removed without also removing fuka_petal's cover ft mayo's page, and i dont want to do taht,,, curiously, last time my page featured my twt pfp rather than my youtube one,, that one makes more sense i feel, as it is of mayo, and my yt one is luo gyahh,, oh well, i suppose someone was going to put me back up there for one reason or another eventually,, im glad im not the make making these pages so the resposibility of upkeep is hopefully not on me lmao,,,,,,, actually i just found the old one alos,, i was under the impression this was just compeltely gone ? but i guess its just unlisted,, i assume the romi cover might be like that also, but i dont have the link to that so it might as well be gone,,, on one hand its flattering taht my work has reached enough people, and ive been included in projects big enoguh, to warrant the creation of these vocadb pages, but on the other its also a little stressful i will not lie,,,, agwdhkasdjkad auu i can always abandon the noctlas332 name if things get to be too much for me i suppose,,
25/02/25 0102- i finished my plushie of michishirube kiro, i will be posting it later,,,
16/02/25 0228- hmmm everytime i opened utau or done anything on it i had popups from microsoft expression web, despite me no longer having it on my computer,, today i tried to deal with this, so i used the set up and chose the uninstall option and it worked ? iam free ? did i not try uninstalling it when i first got rid of it ? did i just delete the files ? why didnt i uninstall it ? did i try and it just didnt work ? i hoenstly could not say, as it has been so long, but all that matters is that now i am free,,, no more microsoftf expression web popups for me,,,,, yay
16/02/25 0014- i bought the machina mori delux pack which was 41gbp,,, shipping was so expensive but i think itll eb worth it,, i hope i filled the detials in correctly, im not used to making on line pruchaes, but i dont have any adachi rei merch and i enjoyed the album so iwanted to buy it,, it really makes me yearn for albums for other inanimate utaus, but i worry tahts a little too niche or hwatever,, i downloaded like 17 of them today in fact, i ahve a lot of utaus to use now,,
11/02/25 2304- hmmm i took a break from being online but im back now,, im wokring on an inanimate utau also
27/12/24 0146- not sure if i mentioned before but i lost the usb stick with all my mikuexpo videos on it and im really sad about it,,,, it had a lot of other things on it also, like videos from when i was a child, and also specifically when my dog was a puppy,,,,,, i have no idea where it went i really wany iy back i fear i might have lost it in school wahhhhhhhhhh
24/12/24 1507- i tried setparam today but im not sure i like it any more than just the oto editor in utau, i didnt give it a very big chance though,, ill be trying vlabeler later,,, a big issue is just that mayos samples are really really quiet i think,,
03/11/24 1250- i think i just need to accept i failed my october drawing challenege,, i was originally going to catch up but i dont think that is reasonable, i am simply giving up,,, forgive me,,,,, nit sure why i hcose to do this during the month i knew id be travlingt o adifferent country to go to miku expo but whateerv,
12/10/24 1259- last night i saved all the images from my imgbb account onto a usb stick, which also means i saved all the images from my website my extension,, a lot of these are just duplicaets due to them ebing my own art but oh well, rather have them than not,,, it honestly didnt even take up that much storage ahsjshdfjkds a lot of them failed though, and i had to manually click retry on a large portion of the nearly 600 images,,, i think it worked out well though as theyre all on a usb stick now,, this stick is pretty shitty and cheap but i feel like having a copy on there is better than not having one at all,,, i think the internet archive going down just really got me scared in regards to online services like that,, i dont know if imgbb is any good at all, or if this is something i need to woeey about with it, but i figured its best to just be safe,,, seeing an art i like on twt has turned into a very lengthy process now however,, i dont just like it and retweet it to have it on mhy account, i also save it on imgbb, link it on my website, and now also save it to a usb stick,,,, at least i wont loose all these images of michishirube kiro i guess,, by the way this is the method i used ot save the images,, it worked well but again a lot of them failed and had to be retried,, im not sure if thats my shitty usb sticks fault or not though,
09/10/24 1924- started saving videos i link on my vocal synths pages onto my computer, like yt videos and things,, i might start saving images too, but i feel like theres less point in that due to the fact i have them on on imgbb, but idont know if tahs very reliable,,, reuploading videos myself seems worse,,,, i might also run out of storage, as i am already nearing my limit, and im sure saving so many videos wont help with that,, wahhh i just hate losing these things i love these utaus i love these covers and this art its so nice and pleasant to me and im always so sad when poeple take them down,,
01/10/24 1125- ueweee thankn you all for 30k views,, twas a nice 18th birthday present gyahhh
29/09/24 2152- gosh the jerimoth button looks so so stupid it makes me giggle,, i ve been working on his like, plot and buddies and things,, i hope to start doing things with him soon because i have him basically thought out,,, i also worked a bit on my game to day i was wiritn a bit rwarhh
28/09/24 2013- stated working on oto of new mayo bank, as i actually have 3 i need to oto ahsjdhjaskd
25/09/24 2250- rwarrr been sicj the past couple of days,,, coughs,,, but i feel healed so its back to school for me,, no more working on cover all day,,,,,, oh also im on revolt now, noctlas332#6588
10/09/24 1943- the producer i worked with on ranagain posted her song , but ill probably wait ot upload the art in full until she puts it on yt,, im in no rush and i want to be able to link it in my posts,,, unrelated but school is beating my ass atm, but zine works are more important kehehe,,,,, the grind never stops !!! (i wont be applying for any more this year after im done with galasynth and heartbeat and miki collab)(ill be focusing on my origianl arts gyahhh)(like ocs but also just drawing my favs randomly teehee)
22/08/24 1601- done enough on my new oc page to link it i think,,, also i fucked up my alevels bad, i still have one more year of them but i done a whole as and a2 already, and it was unfortunate, so im redoing the a2 part this year,,,,, dies
28/07/2024 1939- hell ive been so busy with arts,, i added franciszka and mayo to my toyhouse though and have finished my gakucollab piece
25/06/2024 0116- deleting all of my ig posts because of the ai stuff and its got me in the feels kind of or wahtever,, i kind of reallyyyy want to delete all my art now just everywhere, or maybe even drop the noctlas332 name nad move on the greater and greener pastuers,,, im kind of stupidly attached to this user though, and it means a lot ot me, and i wouldnt want to drop mayo and stuff,, ill have to sit on this,, deleting everything and moving seems like a huge pain though, so it probably wont be happeneding gyahhhh
23/06/2024 0145- tody (or yesterday ig) i went like, just on a trip out to the mountains,, my father needed to see some guy for work and he like lives in the mountains, so we all went with,, i took like 859 photos whihc i might show later because i think some where nice
16/06/2024 1936- wetn to a con today and got a bunch of vocal synt stuff !!! 200 quid gone, but anime girl shaped plastic acquired,, i got to do a little stamp rally even ! twas quite joyous,, it was quite exhausting though and i need to recover my strenghths after tlaking to other people and making small talk so much,,, i got some very cute stuff though im very pleased with my purchases, i need to admire thme a bit more,,, my card started declining after a while though becasue i never use it and my bank thought it was suspicious that so much money was bengu spent at once ahusjdhkjad, i guess that stopped me from going flat broke though as i was not keeping trakc of my spending,, i just went to an atm and got some physical money though, so i still bought all i wnted to yipppeee,, i kind of want to cosplay so i might maybe try that next year,,, maybe,,, if im not too scared,,, but i probably will bve,,, i seen a bunch of mikus though it was very fun gyahhhh,, i had fun with my amigos, smiles
13/06/2024 1725- exams are done and i have a million things to fo now,, actaully finishing coursework for next year aside, i need to respond to all the messages i havent been able to keep u with, i need to catch up on vocal synth birthdays, i also need to work on collab art too, and also on my artfight character references as im going to participate this year,, so much to fo,,,
03/06/2024 1953- i want to get back to skatebaording once my exams are done but the friend i usually go with never respooinds to my messages,, grrgrggrrrr
07/05/2024 1804- niconico doesn ot work on fneither firefox nor chrome for me, probably due to some extentions ive got as the support page migh suggest, hoever i cant get it to work even if i disable all of them,, so ive turned to usig niconico only microsfot edge, as its a browser ive never used and so it doesnt nto have any extentions, and niconico does work on there !!! oh joy !!!!!
04/05/2024 1614- just noticed taht my backgorunds repeast after every page length on some page,, oops
04/05/2024 0159- i think my text sizes are largely too big, i might shrink them donw a little,, this isnt really what i write on here but i havent acautlly done atht so im not putting it on the logs page. also i uninstalled utau as for reason microstf expression web aws interefering with it, adn opening up these annoying popups and things, and this person on reddit suggested i try that,, i still haven t reinstalled utau however so ill have to do taht alter
22/04/2024 0041- went shoping tofady(or i guess yesterday) and got some vocaloid merch !! i spent way way too mych money,, i might show them al l later
17/04/2024 2028- heres my brick !! i was going to show it earlier but nerver did,, sorru,,,, my father said hes going to power wash it for me, as this is it jsut scrubbed with soapy water
11/04/2024 2340- picked up a brick today at lunch and took it home its currently in the bath soaking a little so it gets cleaner,, ill get a photo of it later
07/04/2024 1740- back to school tomorrow after 2 weeks off,, i did NOT get all my work done taht i was supposed and ive just been grinding the past 2 days, and its not going well !!! im going to be fed to a pack of starving dogs by my teachers. mayos birthday is tomorrow too and i just need to make the video for the cover now,, i wont have any more art done but i will at least have a cover yippeee
05/04/2024 0140- i finished the cover i was workiing on and now i just need to draw the art and make the video,, it was pretty difficult but i dont hink i hate it ?? well see,, i want to maybe draw a second thing also but i STILL havent drawn the fucking website anniversarry art so who knows,, ia lso have a lot of school work to do and i havent realy been doing it,, unrealted but if youre readint this please go on tumblr and vote on my poll, its about whether i should open coms or not so if that interests you (or even if it doesnt) is appreciate it if you voted hajsdhjkadkasjd
02/04/2024 2226- mayos birthday is coming up and i have NOT used them in a while,, i have a cover thats sort of approaching being done, so i think ill work on finisheing that on time for the birthday,, i want to draw somehting too but i dont know if ill have time
01/04/2024 1439- i have not been fooled yet and dont plan on it. i am going to keep my gaurd up. i am largely just doing school work tofay so its not like therell be room for me to get pranked anyway, but i am scared of a smigus dyngus coming my way,, we dont really celebrate it in my house though because my parents dont like getting splashed with water buehh, if my sister remnbers about it shell definitely attack me though
30/03/2024 (unpleasant read)- mmm nothing of note actaully happened today, i jsut had a bad day,, i was supposed to go shopping wiht my parents but i didnt and while htey were out they sent me photos of some miku posters and figures they came across and asked if i wanted them and i said no because i dont have the money to pay them back (all my money goes into my bank account, including that form the unmarked envelope, and i dont have the bank app one needs to transfer that money, i can only use that account to pay with my card), but it turns out that they meant theyll buy me something as a gift but i didnt realise atht and i feel stupid and dumb and sad. i was also supposed to do a lot more school work than i actaully did today, but again i had a bad day and felt unwell so i didnt do mcuh and i feel really bad about it,, i done like nothing todya and just cired a bit,, also i wrote taht this is unpleasnt to read just because this is like one of the first things uou see upon opening my website on the homepage and i dont want to jumpscare anyone with my sappy bullshit,, but yea just bad day today, very sad.
24/03/2024- i went to an electronics shop to get an airfryer today,, when there i played on the tablets and ipads, and drew mmiku on them. i tried out a bunch of different apps, from drawing apps to just note apps, and more, howver i couldnt tell you whihc was which as there was like 10 different ones and i only spent a short time on each of them inbetween playing games and telling employees i dont need any help
i was thinking of drawing mayo, or flower maybe, but i felt liku miku is more recognisable and so anyone coming across my drawings at a later date will be more liekly to know who miku is,, so that it who i drew.
i webt ti ikea also, however there was no fucking pages for keeping track of what items you want, despite there being pencils for writing them donw ?? quite sad,,, as such i had to walku around a little bit to dind a different pafe to draw on. this was one of a list of where to get idfferent products being displayed nearby, so it basically replaced the pages you can write on yourself !! twas awfully upsetting,, at least i got a pafe to write on in the end. i drew also a little rabbit, as well as a star and a heart which my sister took and put in her phone case
there was actually a bunch of rabbits holding letters up around the whole shop, so my sister and i kept track of them, however we do not know what we were suposed to do with the letters, so itll forever be a mystery i guess,,
ALSOOOO im aware it was this websites one year anniverysary yesterday (wooo !!!!) and im drawing something for this ocassion, however its not done yet so please forgive me !!!! i am very much thankful for the past year, as its been a lot of fun to run this website and post my stuff on it, i also love hearing what everyone has to say about it so i thank you all for your kind words !!!!!!! heres to another year of disgusting webdesign and absolutely unnavigatable webs of pages !!!
16/03/2024- i have been sick the past few days and havent been in school so i need to work really hard to catch up on things so i honestly have no idea when ill next have time to actually draw (booooo) i know if off school soon though, so ill hopefully be able to catch up and then have some free time then though
also therss this thing i want to rant baout but i dont feel like i have time to just sit and write for a moment tgogyhu it doesnt seem productive like beurhhhh
07/03/2024- i styaed behins after shcool for like an hour and the ocmputer was so so slow !! i would have literally have gotten more work done at hoem,, it sucked all the life out of me though so i have done like nothing since coming home lmlol.
i need to get my mastodns in order and check out this othrt thing for websites, and this other thisng aslo, and this one other thing,, i have elot of things ot do but mo itme despite the fact i do nothing all day uerhghhhh
i also have a lot of art to art up, i wish i had more time for htings i like but i just cannt spend time on them //3
but yea i have somethings on my mind that i need to do, mastodons and a couple website things,,,,
i need to do some stuff now boooooo
also compeltely unrealted luka spin
03/03/2024- twas mi mamas birthday today so i made her a birthday card with a drawing of our dog based on a photo my sister took,, we ate some pizza too
i still have so so much school work to do and i hate it so mcuh !! i havent been doing it very muh today however, as doing work all day makes me miserable. not doing my work makes me feel awful too because i feel so guilty for not doing it, i just end up feeling all of the itme,, ehrhghhhh school just sucks but easter break is soon so i hope i will be able to not think about school a bit during that
also i seem to be sick again which is quite unfortunate
i did do a bit of work on my mixed media piece for school, not very much though i have ot be honest
tomorrow in school i will have to tell this teacher whether ill be staying till 1700 in school everyday to do my school work, which is like over an hour and a hlaf longer than normal school days, so i will be saying no,, i might stay some days ? or just not for that long ? but there is no way i can stay taht long everyday,, i have other things to be doing, even other shcool work to do, so i cannot devote taht much time to one subject like that.
also here is the image of my dog i based my drawing off of
also i made this page today i guess, but you can see htat on my log page,,
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