jerimoth is a necromancer who goes around ressurecting people in villages (set in a perfectly ambiguous time period so i dont need to worry about it), and then taking them on dates,, necrophilic necromancer ? no,, he is not,, why does he do this then ? well,,
he was playing with his friend one time, just messing about, and they fell off a frekaing cliff !!! and his friend died, but jerimoth did not becasue he has like, healing powers but he didnt know how to use them well so they only kicked in for him because it was just kind of natural, but he couldnt help his friend,, this left him with scars on his face however because it took him a while to be able to heal things to where no scars are left,, no one believied him that he didnt choose to not help his friend though, and they all thoguht that if he could heal himself he must have done this on purpose and they all were so so mad at him and alienated him from his whole community and he was so so sad and everytime he seen his face hed be reminded of all of this,, and so everyone he knew turned on his and eventually decided he must have purposely killed his friend and planned this whole thing, so they locked him up and bolted a chain to his ankles because they knew it would keep healing and then recutting and opening everytime he moved his legs, and this also lowered the distance he can move his legs so he couldnt run,, but he eventually gets out and goes on a trip around villages,,, he wants to resurrect his friend, even if just to apologise, and came to the realisation that practising his healing magic just on himself isnt giving him the expereicne he needs to be sure he can do that, so he sets off to random villages to dig up their dead, but its a bit awkward to sit around after theyre back or to try to kill them himself, so he takes them on dates,, this also helps him monitor how the magic is doing, if it worsens over time, the state of the body, and anything else he might be concerned with,, however they always get caught and the residensts freak the fuck out and attack jerimoth and try to kill him,,
why the bug antenas ? ermm just for fun,, there is no lore reason i just thought it looked silly,,
but yes this is his lore all he does it suffer,, there are more charactcers that are prominant in my head and i will draw them up and stuff eventually,, i might make a comic of his story actually because its honestly pretty managable and i think exactly where is goes all along, id just need to design all the freaks i need,,
also this is not my first design for jerimoth oh nono,, he used to be his absolute freak who looked like a sexually confused english lit university student who carries around a bookbag, so i had to change that,,
i hope that lore is rnough of an explanation for this all to make sense:
"sometimes i wonder if im dead. have i sustained enough injuries to kill me ? would i have died if just treated with regular medical care ? have i crossed deaths door, but stepped back out ? what counts as dead ? is a zombie dead ? can someone be something other than just dead or alive ? are zombies human ? how close to death can you get before you stop being human ? have i crossed that line ? does it matter ? is humanity defined seperately from death and life ? is someone always a human, even after death ? can you stop being a human ? can you become a human ? are zombies humans then ? is someones existance in life seperate to their existence in death ? do zombies simply resemble their human counterparts ? can a human and a zombie of the same person exist at the same time ? is a person, a human, and a zombie, all seperate ? where do i fall on the human to zombie spectrum ? outside ? is there a human and zombie me ? which am i ? both ? neither ?"
"how do you define human ? how do yo udefine zombie ? where does one end and the other begin ? how do you define a person ? how do you define me ?"
i shiver and then violently throw up going over my writing from last year, but i wanted to write this up anyway because i havent written anything more from his head,,
also im aware of how edgy and cringe this is ,, but i am FREE and i am ENJOYING MYSELF. curls up into a tight ball and cries
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04/07/24 |
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06/10/24 needs a name still |