mayo coulombs

home mayo coulombs art requests links rants and writing vocal synths

check out the mayo coulombs tumblr blog if you want,,,,,,,

character profile

pronouns: any

gender: N/A

age: 16

birthday: 8th April

height: variable

voice: noctlas332

art: noctlas332

item: USB memory stick

fav beverage: sweetened condensed milk.gif

fav food: lemon.jpeg
mayo coulombs (クーロン マヨ) is a demon who tried to come to earth but accidentally fucked up and became an utau and is trapped in the computer now (poor creature.) they are aware that theyre an utau and they hate to admit it but they quite enjoy it, though breaking out of the digital world and coming into the real world remains a top priority for her.

she has the ability to mess with computers, corrupt files, hide folders, crash applications, and be an annoyance in a variety of other ways within the digital world. however hard he tries to be mischevious though, he always makes sure his destruction is reversible as to not get in trouble.

he acts entirely motivated by self furfilment, due to him being unable to entre the real world though, hes resorted to doing anything to kill his boredom until he finds a way to break out of the computer. it finds it very difficult to find anything particularly sitmulating or interesting in a world it knows isnt real.

xe has slightly bandaged arms and legs due to xim glitching and falling apart from breaking computers
a drawing of mayo coulombs; a character with split dye hair and horns in a torn up shirt, jacket with missing details, mismatch gloves, shorts, half a pair of ripped tights, and bandages on one leg and both arms. from the top, the right hand side of the jacket has 3 buttons, then a missing space then another 2 buttons, while the left hand side has 3 buttons and 3 missing spaces under that. they are standing up right and looking at the viewer while slightly tilting their head to one side. their right hand is lifted up to about shoulder height, in a kind a half-shrug

mayo updates

1509 24/12/24- mayos original vbs samples are really really quiet so it makes it hard to oto,, im considering amplifying each one, or maybe just focusing on the louder one i recorded,,, im looking into trying setparam or vlabeler as thus far ive only ever used the oto editor in utau itself,,
1948 21/12/24- still cant beleive i missed the cover fuka_petals made I LOVE THE ART RAHHH
1310 15/12/24- slightly changed mayo tos to no shipping,
2203 09/12/24- wips of igaku cover and noroshi cover,,,,, rwar
1905 09/12/24- covers in the wips rn are an igaku, a rurus suicide live stream, and a noroshi,,,
0027 09/12/24- i have made many changes to the layout of this page and added this little table,, i need to add more things here


links for dls

mayo coulombs jp cv v1.0.1 download (mediafire)

(17/09/23) created for my cover of my business by p.i.n.a but i only thought to share it now. slight changes in description and new art added as well

mayo coulombs jp cv v1.0.0 download (mediafire)

(updated on 28/04/23 with just a small change in the terms of use)
release: 8th April 2023
logical range: C3-G4 (sounds a bit better in lower ranges imo)
168 cv clips
pronunciation: kinda shit half polish half shit
recorded while sick


what mayo means to me slash what mayo is in regards to me slahs what im fine with yyou doing to them

i think the first first design, which i oculd not find now if i even tried, of mayo was for a persona, though this design eventually turned into mayo. mayo is by no means my persona though, however it wouldnt really be wrong to use them as a representation of me either. there are definetily a lot of similarities between us, and a lot of their design was based off of yours truely, but there are still a lot of differences. i dont think i would call mayo a selfinsert either, as hes really not being inserted anywhere. i think just the nature of her being an utau, and as such bearing my own voice, blurs the lines between me and her a lot more than might usually be blurred with a random oc; i feel like i kind of had to consider myself to make sure mayos voice and person werent awfully incompatible. my interest in vocal synths is nearing its 10 year anniversarry iirc, so mayo being the first one i ever made kind of means they are important to me. especially since i started work on it really long ago and then dropped it, so when i came to actually finish it and give it a proper design i based it off of the really old one. as such, mayo looks a lot different then he wouls have if i started working on him from scratch now. this means that mayo kind of bears part of my past self thorugh this also. anyway they are important to me ok, even if i dont use them much
what does this mean for you though ? what can and cant you do with mayo ?
tos like no r-18 apply obviously, but there are some other things i wanted to explain. for one, please keep in mind that mayo kind of comes from me, and isnt just a random oc from nothing, theyre kind of based on a real person. however, feel free to make headcanons for mayo, redesigns (including things like projecting yourself onto her), write them into stories, draw art of them, feature them in any of your creative projects really, use mayos character to experiement with things youd be too scared too try with a character youre worried about protraying badly, feel free to pair them up with others i suppose, but dont "ship" them please,, go ahead and kind of run wild with them, as long as you keep in mind that they come from a real person feel free to remove them from me and treat them more as a "character" than an "oc" if you want. id apprecite using mayos full name, mayo coulombs, in that case though, so that they can be found through that.
anyway yea i just wanted to go on about how mayo relates to me, and what you can do with him, which i hope is an alright list. i mostly just want people to have fun with mayo, like i myself do, but i do really need pople to keep in mind where she comes from, as she cannot be completely separated from me bleffff

art by mee

check out my mayo image gallery ! my art of mayo !
a digital drawing of mayo coulombs standing up and holding an oversized orange usb memory stick at shoulder height in her right hand. the usb stick is about as long as mayos shoulders are wide. on it MAYO is written in all caps, with the M and A being combined, putting the A into the M, resulting in an M with a horizontal line thorugh its latter half