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for christmas i asked for felt and stuff, with intention of making a michishirube kiro plush, however i decided to practise by mkaing one of mayo first, as making one of my own character felt like less pressure and worry, and i needed to learn and practise, as i had never made a plushie before, nor worked with felt at all,,
25/12/24, my first idea on how to go about such a task, was to draw out the size and shape i wanted the plushie pieces to be, then draw a large boarder around that, then, to cut slits into the border so that the pieces could go on top of each other
i would then take each set of pieces, move them on top of eachother in the desired position, and sow them together,,, this got bohtersome quite quickly however, so i switched to super gluing them,,,,,
i realised this would nto work very well however. it was not taking on the shape i was hoping it would, and i was very quickly running out of glue also,, as such, instead of forcing it and continuing with it, i chose to cut off all the extra boarder parts, and out of the skin felt i had left, i cut a bucnh of long rectangles i then sowed together to for a long strip,, i then sowed this long strip arounf the edges of one of the body shapes, making essentially a mayo prism,,,
once i had one of the flat body pieces sowed on, i done the other, and started filling it,, i didnt want to leave filling until the very end as i was worried it would be very difficult due to the form of the shape,,
i then finished up the body. this is the best the plushie looked, it only goes downhill from here im afraid,, notably, while i was stiching the body up i had to scrunch up the long strip, as one flat body shape was smaller than the other,,
i created the head in basically the exact smae way, just a bit smaller,, the back of the head is two pices stiched together to create the split dye colour, and the strip that goes around the head it 3-coloured,,
i then moved on to making the face,, i originally intended to maybe embroyder the little mouth on, however i realised i in fact do not have black thread,, as such, i cut of a little mouth shape and then sowed it on with a little thin string thing,,, then i took to making the eyes in a smiliar way, by cutting out little pieces of felt,, i had to shrink the size of the eyebags a lot, as they looked quite awkward, and still do to be honest,, i wanted to embroider those on too, as well as the eyelashes, but i really did overestimate how many colours of thread i had,,
i didnt want to just glue layers and layers of flet on top of one another though, so to create the two colours of mayos eyes i did infact use thread,, this was not only because stacking so many layers wpould probably end up making the eyes even more stupidly large than they already are, but also because i like the aesthetic of the thread showing,,
i was considering for a little whether i should have mayos eyes under or over its hair, however i ended up gonig with under for a couople reasons,, for one, i was not intending to go for that anime-esque look where eyes appear on top of the characters fringe, but also i felt the uneven surface would make it a lot harader to stick the eyes on with the limited lgue i had left,, as well as that, this would limit the movenet of the ahir, which i feel would have taken away from the plushie,,
while were looking at these images, i think its also worth mentioning the fringe peices themselves,,, for the orange side, which i created first, i did not think about ht e fact that the pen will be visible unless i draw on the underside, so thats why its there,, for hte white side however, i had learned from my mistake,,
i then movedon the mayos clothes,, i tried to create them in the order one would put them on, as then layering them would be easeiets,,, these were largely just glued on also,,,,, the shorts and tights were just long strips that wrap around mayos legs and get gluedo n the back,, they honestly held on pretty well even without the glue, but i couldnt leave it like that, as they would definitely come off later,, the tights were cut up a bit to emulate the rippedupness of mayos tights,, the bangades on them are just a very long and thing strip of felt i wrapped arounf their apendagess multiple times,, for their shorts, i was originally going ot stich the orange short legs on around the waist line, to emulate their belt, however i figured that would not create sufficient coverage, especially since the legs only evnt up to their crotch, so i decided to make a large strip of red instead,,, i cut up their shirt and sleeves in a similar way to their tights, and just glued on a couple piece to cretee their collar
the lgue i used soaked through the felt however, and left white splotches,, i luckily had permanenemt markers taht were of basically the same shade however, so i just coloured over these parts,,
heres the button i sowed onto the shirt, and the glue i used too i suppose,,, but also the sequences i used for the buttons on mayos jacket,,,, i did infact not have any yellow buttons, so i had to go with these instead,, i was considering using clear or white buttotns just, but that would not have achieved the appearance i wanted, and also they would have been very large on the little jacket,,
for the spots where mayo is missing buttons on its jacket i just got whatever thread i thoguht would work best and madel ittle Xs,, its kind of funny, as the implication is that the buttons fell off and left that behind, hwoever that is not the way the buttons were sowed on, nor even the some thread,,,
while i was stiching the jacket all together, i realised i forgot mayos tail, unsurprsingly, so i just quickly made one and sowed it onto their shorts,,,
i then created the horns, whcih where hoenstly alot easier then i expected,, they were 3 trinagles, even thoguh i probably could have used a cone,,,, i was worried their small size would make creation hard, but it went alright,,,
the last part i had to do was the chain, for which i used the smae sparkly string as i did for my clay mayo,, i just stiched this on with some yellow thread
with this plushyo was done,,,
its very wonky, the stiches are messy, the head it was to small, the eyes make it look as though it is high, the shirt is way too long, and its missing shoes and gloves, but i tried my best,,,,,,
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