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01/03/25 1605- finished adding tbales around each mayo image on the mayo image page
01/03/25 0153- my arts of mayo are now on a different page,,,,, i felt the mayo page needs some reworking, and that i cant fit all the art in a nice place, so it has been moved,,
26/02/25 2351- made a page for kiro plush that i will be writing in later,,,,
26/02/25 2204- the ranting page has been significanty improved
25/02/25 1856- added a few more arts to the 2022 page, i plan to maybe add all of my 2022 drawings there at some point, and i created the 2025 page
25/02/25 0106- made a page for tepu, i will be adding more to it as i work on their desing and release them
16/02/25 0017- i made pages for more inanimate utaus tofay, but theyre very bare,,
28/12/24 1724- plushyo page finished
27/12/24 0225- started working on a page in which i go over my plushyo making process
24/12/24 1230- made page for pipi and worked a little on adding more art to my other artificial utua pages
21/12/24 2018- i sgtarted working on an html tutorial
09/12/24 0029- i ahve been meaning to update the mayo page for a while now, and have finally started working on doing that,,,,,
07/12/24 2126- changed the art page to no longer have all my art on it,, 2022, 2023, and 2024, are on different pages now, in hopes of making each of them load better,,
11/11/24 2346- added new things onto the michishirube kiro page,, i now have some things i doodeled in school on there, and like stuff,,,,,
05/11/24 0002- made changes to the home page, i think its a bit better now,,, i want to add some blinkies and things to it still gegrgrgrrr
04/11/24 1742- i made a sitemap page, as my home page it way overloaded,, i really want to redo a lot of this website, as im liking the way im setting up my neko web a lot more,
20/10/24 1532- made a page for graphics(?) taht i have but arent using,, like gifs and blinkies and things,,,
05/10/24 1905- started working on a pafe for things about me just, because i dont like ths information ebing a table on my home page,, also started work on pages for other artifical utaus
05/10/24 1715- added my kiro doodle to my page for him, moved images from my vs canon info rant page to imgbb, images i like page is now linked on home page
01/10/24 1124- to my utmost distress, one of the arts of michishirube kiro from my michishirube kiro page has vanished. the post has seemingly been deleted. as such, i decided to to save them all on my imgbb, and link them from there, so i dont loose anymore,,,
27/09/24 2259- made a little page for images i like,, i dont know where to link it and i need to add more images to it but i think i like it so far
27/09/24 1941- made a page for my animations,, theres not very many but i wanted to collect them gyahh
27/09/24 1902- collab art page has all those little tables now too
25/09/24 2144- almost forgot to mention but i mafe a new page, the field,,,,, and also i sorted out the "other art" page
22/09/24 0053- images on mayo page are links to their full version now,,, i need to put little dates and captions on them like in the art page
19/09/24 2002- forgot to say im done with michishirube kiro page for now,,
17/09/24 1944- started working on page dedicated to michishirube kiro,,, kind of like a shrine i guesss
17/09/24 0016- adding art i like to my vocal synth page,, i kind of want to save it and have the images forever but instead im hotlinking them so they break if theyre deleted,, atm i feel like tahts better but i migght cahnge my mind on this
13/09/24 0110- added a bunch of links to a bunch of zines on my vocal synth page !! please contact me if you have more for me to list, i like keeping an eye on them
10/09/24 1936- moved a couple things aorunf on the home page
01/09/24 2344- made the images on the lab robot thing oc page links that link to the full versions
22/08/24 1317- change how the "whats new" thingy looks a little, so now more things are visable in the box at once and they are also link coloured
18/08/24 2203- started work on a new oc page for a different oc universe because ive been drawing them a lot recently and working on them,, i dont have much to say about them so im not linking it anywhere at the moment,, i have a couple more characters i need to design still and stuff, but get excited because i am in the proccess of working on a little project with them,,, but also dont get too excited because i might drop it
13/08/24 1621- finished reworking my art page, and done the same to the doodle page,, i might do the same with mayos page also, and am also considerinf uploading some of my older art,, but who knows,, anyway though im quite liking how to turned out, but i know that when i add a new image the art page will be all out of whack again and wont fit so nicely
13/08/24 0434- almost all of my art page has been updated now, and most the older images taht were hosted on reddit are now on imgbb (apart from some i only posted to tumblr those are just tumblr images)
11/08/24 0323- it kind of looks like if im half way done with the art page reworking, however the immages get smaller the further down you go, so i know thats not the case,, im getting there though, and im really liking how its turning out
09/08/24 0256- experiementing with changing how the art page is laid out because i dont really like it and it was not meant to be prenament anyway and its about time to work on it
07/08/24 0042- i dont really have much to say here recently, im arting more than coding, but anyway i think im going to start writing years with just the last 2 digits in the whats new thing, as it takes less space up
10/07/24 1733- collected links to every page on this website i think ?? now on the links page ! hope thats all of them as i cant be sure
22/06/24 0120- made a new enter button and was so so proud of it but then realised its wayyy too small after putting it in place,, sigh,, ill have to replace that again sometime soon it seems,
16/06/24 0002- im going to stop removing things from my whats new thing on the home page, and just use a scroll bar for it from now on
02/06/24 0147- moved more images to imgbb and we are down to like 2.7% neocities storage used, as opposed to the like 25+% it was before (this is 1gb, for those unaware), im still not done but its starting to get difficult as i dont know where some of these images are on my computer, and also because i cant remember exactly where they all are on my webiste,, so if you see a missing image please tell me !!!
01/06/24 0124- started uploading some older images to imgbb and deleting them from neocities itseld,, i cant do all of mayos though as i cant tell which ones are which in some cases LMAO ill have to come back to it later
12/05/24 0143- page for doodles
07/05/24 1734- made a couple changes to the alt art page, like added a couple links to explain whats what and embedded a post for one of the pieces
06/05/24 1643- added iframes of covers to mayo page yippeee
06/05/24 0206- added the little thingy for my status cafe,, its veru cute i think
01/04/24- bg on classicaloid page does work actaully, its just my browser,, i did make some changes to the bgs and things though, so theres no border around the body now (thank you alan460)
25/04/24 1651- put those buttons fromt he art pageon the home page, as theyre pretty important and wre kind of tucked away
20/04/24 1852- started working on a page for franciszka,, i couldnt get the bg to work on my classicaloid page so i hope i ifgure out whats wrong so i can have a nice bg on this one
08/04/24 0031- added kind of like a qna page ? really just a place for me to mention what drawing program and tablet i use, as i know people like asking taht but im always too scared to ask epople things like that myself,, i am open to actual questions from other people though ahsjdhakj
05/04/24 1332- added like one button and one blinkie and want to do more but i need to do school work buehhhh,, aslo chanigng line breaks to just little dahses or wahtver on this page
18/03/24- added iframes with this log page and writing about mon days on home page, jsut for fun
16/03/24- made a page for collab pieces and added links to those too,, all my collab pieces are just in my reguarl art page also but i wanted links to the finished products with everyones art together so i mafe a little page for them, partly just for me to have a place where i can find them. i also moved some images into folders, as some of the ones i first uploaded on here were literally just freerange and not in any folders, so theyre a little more contained now and itll be a little easier for me to find things now hopefully
07/03/24- made my unlisted yt videos into those little iframe things with yt instead of just written links
03/03/24- made a page for writing about my day i fuess, but im still not set on how i will use it, so i guess we will see with time
02/03/24- made my art on the art page all like jump link ot their alt versions, instead of one link to one dumbass page,, therye still on the same page though its whatever,, i also changed the button leading to ocs, as in i replaced it with one without mayo because rhw qholw thing is that it literally isnt mayo, and i felt its a bit confusing, so its amy now. unrealted but i have so fucking much work to do in school now like its insane, i can hardly find any time to do anythign but work !!! grrrrr
15/02/24- changed up the order of social medisas on my links page as the onesi use has changed since i last updated that pafe
12/02/24- made a page about vocal synth vbs and characters yipeee
11/02/24- i moved the buttons to a different location on the home page, and removed them from the buttoms of all the different pages
28/12/23- very overdue but i am adding image descriptions to the images on here im soryruasihaisiaj im just done iwth the home page and buttons yaa
26/11/23- worked on my vocal synth page just a little bit, but its nothing show-worthy yet at all
25/11/23- started owrking on page for my ocs, but i dont have digital drawings of a lot of them so its reallyjust going to be writing for nwo
22/11/23- added a bunch of those stamp thinguys yipeesss
16/11/23- i suceesed in putting a little thing for linkinh back to me beside the table that was so much harder than it needed to be but yipeeeeee
13/11/23- i made a separate page for alt versions of my drawings, as well as addoing some more older ones
03/11/23- added hit counter and last updated thingys on home page yipeeeee
30/10/23- new banner finally done actually lasjjsaldsjkajflakd
20/09/23- moved(?) the log page into the rants and writing one, so you can only get here from there now lol
also reordered the logs
also also wanted to say that my coding time is now split between here and my heyspace page oopsy
05/09/23- started working on page for vocal synths !! im also remaking the welcome banner in the bg
23/08/23- added links to rant page
21/08/23- added table about what im currently working on
04/07/23- finished adding links to my socail medias xP
06/06/23- added terms for use of my art on the art page !!
made requests page
05/06/23- started working on a links pagr which will have linsk to things.
unrelated BUTTTTT utau pitchbender is broken so i cant work on cover uehh uhehhh uehhhhhhhhh uehhhhhhhhhhhhh.
03/06/23- i added a page for mayo
i added more things to the home page, like a wee welcome banner. i also added all the art i want to add atm to the art page. as well as that, i changed the 404 page a wee bit
02/06/23- i added a page for logging my work on this site today !!! i only have time to work on it after school a wee bit because im currently in the middle of my exams, but i really want to keep working on it
i have added a favicon of mayo
i wrote some stuff on the home page but its just an ugly wall of text atm